Our Solutions
Creating New Technology For New Markets
Predictive Intelligence Drives Targeted Decisions
Mastering Your Healthcare Supply Chain Spend
In the same
MSS empowers healthcare systems to put controls and real-time visibility around their med-
Industry Trends & Challenges
Today’s health systems face significant challenges to profitability. Many stem from inefficiencies within the healthcare supply chain:
- Supplies rank as the second biggest expense after labor – and growing
- The Item Master is only 70% accurate, leading supply chain departments to spend time focusing on purchase dollars already spent
- By relying on your item master content as your source of truth, the right supply cannot be validated before purchase
- Hospital networks with disparate systems cannot keep up with the ongoing churn of item master information to maintain accuracy
Meperia Strategic Sourcing (MSS)
A powerful and comprehensive solution that will advance your healthcare business
Meperia Strategic Sourcing (MSS) – a comprehensive solution including The Library, Virtual Item Master, Formulary–Based Procurement, Functional Equivalence & Market In-Depth Benchmarking that helps drive sustainable savings for Med-Surg supplies by enhancing item master content. Through better item master content, MSS empowers users to make the right choice at the start of the procurement process. Real-time insights help monitor compliance with savings goals.
The Library
A content management tool that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to recognize all forms of product information (online, hard copies, physical product) and pull/discern relevant data to generate a pool of accurate, universal product information.
Virtual Item Master
An organization’s private access to a universal marketplace of millions of products and photos, easing selection and comparison.
Formulary-Based Procurement
Harnesses AI to “learn” a company’s preferred products, contracts, and pricing (i.e., their product formulary) and direct users to the “best” choice – before they buy.
Functional Equivalence
Through a higher level of product description and sophisticated AI and algorithms, facilitates easier identification and comparison of functional similar and equivalent items.
Content Manager
Maintaining a centralized, fully attributed and normalized database lies at the heart of making solid purchasing and standardization decisions. With Meperia Content Manager, healthcare systems can gain access to a central data of standardized product descriptions and industry standard codifications (such as HCPCS, UNSPCS, and GTIN), all available for customizable output to any downstream system.
Automatic Item Master maintenance provides rules-based processing for both the Materials Management and Operating Room systems. And both purchase order and invoice streams are systematically interrogated to detect activity that requires action. For example, surgery items not typically in the item master (non-file) can be detected, and HCPCS codes systematically added and uploaded to downstream systems such as the surgery information system or finance. With rules-based processing.
Contract Outsourcing
Meperia will acquire and process contract information for both national and local agreements. This customized approach will support organizations that may not have the bandwidth, expertise, and/or resources required to complete contract management. This information is integrated into the formulary driven requisitioning process to ensure that the organization users are presented with the correct contract price prior to ordering.
FDA Recall
Ability to provide users with an alert if they try to requisition a particular item which has an FDA Recall posted. Provides users with the actual text notification and details from FDA web site.
Market Intelligence
Healthcare systems need objective data to measure performance over time and gain critical insight into performance versus market trends. Utilizing AI and the Microsoft® “Power BI Embedded” application within MSS, users gain access to customized data, individually tailored to compare pricing of over 27,000 product families based on comparable unit volume. Meperia Market Intelligence provides the measurable, consistent comparison metrics an organization needs to compare “apples-to-apples” performance to market data, to find the savings opportunities instantly – without waiting for information from a third party.